Hello High School!

You may have noticed that it has been a while since I have written an article. It took me a minute to figure out this high school thing. Since the beginning of this year, school has been a lot different.

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

Some of the major changes I have found are how time consuming it is (I can’t believe I complained about middle school!), how much more freedom we have, and how many more clubs and groups we are able to participate in. Overall, it has been a very big change, but I have really enjoyed it so far, and there are a lot of things that I am glad I have done.

As for the changes in high school, one of the biggest I have experienced so far is the time involvement. I have definitely spent a lot more time absorbed in school work and practices than I ever have before. I have noticed a difference in the difficulty of the school work for sure, but that just motivates me to work harder. Now that everything starts to count for college and my whole future (no pressure…), studying constantly is just something I have gotten in a habit of doing. I have always been dedicated to school and extremely careful with my grades.  However, now I really have to focus on my future.   It feels great to have a complete understanding of everything, since I have started putting the extra time into studying. 

Another big change from middle school is how much freedom we have. It may sound somewhat insignificant, but I love to be able to walk down the halls without having to be in a single file line or be silent. The six minutes we have between classes is a really nice and quick break to just have a moment to ourselves before going back to class. Another thing that makes high school more liberating is extended lunch. In case you don’t know what that is, on Tuesdays and Thursdays we get an entire hour to eat lunch. Its such a nice time of day because we can get caught up on studying, or just have time to socialize without having to worry about anything else. At first I was very surprised that we were allowed to go outside and sit with our friends.  Of course, there are teachers there, but it still feels nice to know that we are trusted enough to have that independence.

Going into high school, one of the best decisions I made is joining the Color Guard. At first, I was a little hesitant to join the marching band (after all, I am a loyal, violin playing, “orch-a-dork”).  After hearing how much fun the BHS Marching Band season is from so many different people, I decided to give it a try. It has truly been one of the best things I could have done. Being in the band, I have made so many friends and so many memories. I felt such relief going into school after band camp already knowing so many people in all grade levels. Since the only sport I am involved in is ice-skating, I have gotten very used to working alone. However, being on the Color Guard, I have gotten the chance to work alongside so many different people. I know it sounds a little “cheesy” because everyone says it, but it really does feel like a family. I am so grateful that I got a chance to meet such amazing people.

High school is nothing like the movies.  People don’t break out into song in the hallways, I haven’t seen anyone’s head flushed in a toilet yet, and we don’t “wear pink on Wednesdays.”  I have found this year to be flying by, full of fun times and hard work.  I am looking forward to many more memories!

Questions? Comments? Suggest-ions? Email me at…
