Impacting students through service

Impacting students through service
By NG3 staff

Serving is a big part of the DNA of NG3.  No staff director embraces this ideology stronger than Javier Munoz, who recently relocated from serving at Berkmar to the campus of Parkview.

NG3 Staff

I caught up with Munoz to find out how the transition to the new school is going and found it as no surprise, he has hit the ground running.  Hear how NG3 is impacting the student athletes of Parkview in Munoz’ own words…

“We believe that through serving others, we grow and display the true love of Christ, so we serve local high schools with a heart of joy, passion, and faithfulness. I happened to have the privilege of serving Parkview High School, a new addition for NG3. It has been a blessing coming into a community who values serving others like Parkview.  When we met with Head Football Coach Eric Godfree, one of the first things he wanted to do, was a project where the players could serve. His desire was for, ‘Something where they could build something and see the finished product.’  It was clear to me, serving others would be a big part of his mission at Parkview, and I am excited for the opportunity to help make that happen.

After officially joining the team in the spring, I reached out to Habitat for Humanity to see if they had any projects we could work on. Habitat was excited to partner with Parkview football, and a project quickly came up for us to do.  Our task was to clear trash out of a house that had been donated to Habitat for remodel. I was excited to recruit volunteers, but there was one issue that came up…the date Habitat wanted to have the house cleaned up was also the date of Parkview’s prom.  Even with prom being the same day, we had 15 students and 3 parents show up and fill 2 large 30 yard dumpsters full of trash! The players cleared out every room in the house and even had time to pull the carpet up, leaving the house in a good condition to start the remodel. I think they even enjoyed it a bit too!

After seeing the willingness of the student to give up some of their time to serve, I was told of another opportunity with Habitat. This time, with a program called A Brush with Kindness.  The second project might have been harder, as we helped clear out left over tree stumps(25 or more), a pile of branches the size of a tractor-trailer truck, and did lawn maintenance for an older widow who lives in Lawrenceville. It was hot, and there were lots of bugs of all sorts. Despite the conditions, we had 8 students and 2 coaches sacrifice their Friday morning to help, clearing out all of the debris and filling 3 large truckloads to show for all their hard work. I have been amazed at the willingness of many of the students, and even coaches, as they sacrifice part of their off-day to serve. I truly believe that serving others can have a profound effect on all parties. The students who give up some of their time to serve their communities learn the value of helping other with no reward but a Thank You! I am very proud of the young men who have served in these projects, and I know Habitat for Humanity is grateful for their help.”

Together….we can Be the difference!

Interested in finding out more about what NG3 is doing to make a difference in the Next Generation or how you can help? NG3 is a non-profit 501(c)3 independently funded by donors like you!!

P.O. Box 1429
Snellville, GA 30078

NG3 stands for Next Generation: Character  Community  Change.  Their goal is to develop men and women of character to create a positive change in our communities.  NG3 works directly with student athletes in high schools, teaching and practicing the importance of strong core values like responsibility, humility, integrity and honesty. The staff of NG3 works along side the coaches employed by the school, providing a constant presence of reliability and service.
