It’s Spring – So Why Should I Tune Up My Air Conditioner?

We all look forward to spring weather where it’s not too hot and not too cold. It’s the perfect temperature for the kids to play outside after being cooped up in the house all winter long, and we love that we can turn off the heat and enjoy the fresh air.

It’s Spring - So Why Should I Tune Up My Air Conditioner?

air conditionerSo why would anyone even think of tuning up their air-conditioner at a time like this?

Spring time is the best time get your A/C Tune Up! Getting a tune-up scheduled in the spring ensures that your equipment will be ready before the peak summer season when air-conditioner repair service men are in high demand and it is extremely difficult to get an appointment for a service technician to come out to your home if your air conditioner breaks down. Spring-time is the off-peak season, and it’s a great time to catch any troublesome issues with your system before your air-conditioner will soon be put to heavy use as the summer arrives. There are also plenty of special offers on tune-ups and lower prices on Air-Conditioners if you need to replace your existing system.

Not having an A/C tune-up before you switch it on is like having a car parked in a garage all winter long, then suddenly, one summer day just deciding to start that car and drive it all the way across the country. That’s what we do to our air conditioners every summer!

An air-conditioner tune-up is an inexpensive, routine maintenance task to ensure your system will be running at its highest efficiency during its peak usage time. It is the same as the routine tune up maintenance that you would perform on your vehicle. Regular maintenance of your HVAC system will not only minimize the risk of your air-conditioner malfunctioning during the hottest days of summer, but it will also lower utility bills by keeping your system operating at its peak efficiency level. Maintenance repair costs are reduced as regular tune-ups and inspections allow you to catch small problems before they turn into big ones, and regular maintenance also helps to extend the life of your system.
