Knight Elementary Teaching Garden joins Lilburn Garden Tour

The GFWC Lilburn Woman’s Club is delighted to announce the addition of the Knight Elementary School Teaching Garden to our 3rd annual “Behind the Garden Gate” tour of Lilburn area gardens on Saturday, June 4, 2016 from 9am to 3pm. 

The Pioneer Garden is framed in wagon wheels. This garden is designed to enhance students’ understanding of Westward Expansion. German and Joselyn, Garden Club members, just finished planting egglants.

kite190The proceeds from the Behind the Garden Gate tour will go to assist our local public school counselors in providing much needed articles of clothing, glasses and school related items to children in real need in the Lilburn community.

Left: The Rainbow Garden is the pollinator garden. Signs are displayed to teach students the importance of pollinators in the garden. It is also a favorite picture spot when we have our Knight in the Garden celebration each spring.

Knight Elementary’s fascinating garden is divided into “bed” stations that each focus on particular areas of curriculum.  The Pioneer Garden enhances the students’ understanding of Westward Expansion, The Victory Garden is reminiscent of World War I and II eras, The Rainbow Garden teaches students the importance of pollination, The Trellis Garden of beans is a favorite of the students where this year they have added a stone pathway, The Music Garden features a guitar playing praying mantis and wind chimes made from repurposed items.  The Storybook Beds are each adopted by a class.  The students choose a favorite garden themed book read in class, and then choose vegetables and plants and then maintain the beds.  

knight190Right: There are two Storybook ‘Beds’. These beds are located at the entrance of the learning area and welcome visitors with an excerpt from the story each one repre-sents. Every year these beds are adopted by a class. The students choose a favorite garden themed book they’ve read in class. The class chooses the vegetables, plants them, and maintains the bed.

The teachers are very excited about their future partnership with the Gwinnett County Master Gardner Program.  Master Gardeners Glenda Patterson, Bonnie Fox and Virginia Schofield recently met with the teachers to discuss possibilities for the garden, resources that may be available, and ideas on how they could work with students next year. Their ideas were greatly appreciated and one of the ladies also donated several edger stones to the garden.

knight440The Victory Garden is reminiscent of the World War 1 & 2 eras. As fifth graders learn about these wars and life on the home front, this garden helps them make a real-life con-nection to their curriculum. 

For more information on the Behind the Garden Gate Tour and how to purchase tickets, please visit where you can purchase tickets in advance using PayPal.  Follow the directions and bring your receipt to the Will Call desk the day of the tour at Garden #1 located at 818 Tom Smith Road, Lilburn to pick up your ticket and tour map.  Tickets may also be purchased the day of the tour at the Will Call desk.  We hope you will come explore the teaching garden at Knight Elementary and discover the beauty that surrounds us in Lilburn!
