Ladies Workout Running Club at The Veteran’s 5k

Early on a chilly fall Sunday morning, yellow day-glow T-shirts reading “Ladies Workout Running Club” could clearly be seen all over Lenora Park.

Members of the LWS running club after the Veteran’s Day 5k 2013

After 8 weeks of training it was finally go time! The following are accounts from Ladies Workout members who ran the Veteran’s Day 5k.This September, at age 57, Angie discovered she loves to run. Running never occurred to her, until she ran outside one day during her personal training session. That day in the parking lot motivated her to sign up for the C25K training and to register for the Veteran’s Day 5k.

Angie found her running strategy to be “slow and steady”. Focusing on not stopping, she let go of the pressure of a faster pace. “The key to running is running with a buddy.” She enjoyed getting to meet new people and the fellowship that the C25K training runs facilitated.

Angie has no problem revealing her age of 57 (not that she looks it) because she says it is worth sharing her story if it could inspire one other person to get out there and try something new. “At my age it’s easier to sit at home sipping coffee and watching Good Morning America.”

When Angie crossed the finish line she said she felt AMAZING. Not one to toot her own horn, she played it down on her Facebook page saying she was “pleased as punch”. A long time friend contacted her, playfully expressing concern that Angie’s Facebook page had been hacked. Someone posted a pic of her wearing a racing bib!

Angie is signed up to run a 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning along with her grown children and their spouses. Perhaps this will be a new family tradition.

Diana, 56 ran her first race ever with a strained ankle, rheumatoid arthritis, and an auto-immune disorder called Sjogren’s syndrome which leaves her body unable to produce saliva. Never a runner previously, she says the closest she got to being on the track team was being the time keeper.

When Diana (with her stylish pink sports tape on her strained ankle) crossed the finish line she felt very accomplished and proud. “I could NOT believe that I did it!” She had a goal of finishing the race in under 45 minutes. Her time was 00:40:15. After she crossed the finish line Diana ran back over the hill to Shelley, her friend and co-worker, to support and run her in to the finish line.

The women who ran in the race were from all stages of life and running for varied reasons. Stacy, who placed 3rd overall in the race, had a baby around three months ago. Another Ladies Workout member, Lillie, had her grown son Andrew accompany her in the race. Diane, an avid walker, said that she figured throwing herself into her first 5k would force her to “go for it”. Crossing the finish line felt really good and she is thinking that she might race again.

Ladies Workout would like to congratulate all of our runners who participated in the race as well as the members who could not participate in the race, but still completed the 8 weeks of training. Keep up the good work!

Beginnings are important. It is exciting to try something new and open the door to self discovery. Push beyond what you think possible. You just might surprise yourself.

All photos by Diana Claire Photography

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