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Lawrenceville Lions Club present 4th Annual Public Service Award

Lawrenceville Lions Club present 4th Annual Public Service Award

On Tuesday, September 22, 2015, the Lawrenceville Club presented their 4th Annual Public Service Award to Magdala “Maggie” Prophete.  “Maggie” is a Communications Officer III with the Gwinnett County Police Department, Support Operations Division, Communications Section, or simply the 911 Call Center.

Maggie has been employed with Gwinnett County Police Department since January 2011.  Shy and timid by nature, Maggie attributes her growth and maturity to her employment and professional training.  She enjoys a deep sense of fulfillment at the end of every shift to which she is assigned. Her training as a Communications Officer in the 911 Call Center has helped to make her strong, courageous, and resilient – characteristics needed for one to perform the duties of her position with excellence.   Ms. Prophete is a role model, not only for those in her profession but also to others she encounters outside the workplace.

lions1190Right: Magdala “Maggie” Prophete with her Award.

In January of 2015, she was promoted to Training Officer.  Training others has been a challenging but gratifying experience.  She has joined with a co-worker to teach a class and create a lesson plan designed to prepare Trainees for what to expect on a day-to-day basis after they have successfully completed their initial training in the Communication Section. This year, she has also been chosen to serve on the Interview Board in the 911 Communications Center, reviewing the qualifications of candidates and making recommendations for promotion. 

During times when the 911 Call Center is not busy, Ms. Prophete motivates and encourages her fellow co-workers with original poetry and “raps” that she creates for the purpose of providing hope and reassurance, cheerfully entertaining those around her to keep the work from being overwhelming.  She is a great inspiration to all who man the 911 Call Center, recognizing them as “heroes behind the scenes.”  Maggie is the ultimate optimist with a heart full of compassion and a very positive attitude.  

During Telecommunications Week of April 2014, she was chosen by her peers to receive the Team Player of the Year Award, and, in 2015, was named Communications Officer of the Year.  In March, 2015, Ms. Prophete was nominated for and won the Gwinnett County Chamber of Commerce Valor Award for Communications Officer of the Year.  The Valor Award was presented to Communications Officer III Prophete for the way she handled just one of the numerous emergency calls she receives in the 911 Center every day.  This particular call was handled professionally and expeditiously with great tenderness and concern for a frantic mother whose child’s body had been discovered lifeless in a swimming pool.  

Ms. Prophete is very worthy of all the awards and recognition she has received as a Communications Officer while serving the citizens of this community from the Gwinnett County Police 911 Call Center.

The Lawrenceville Lions Club is proud to honor Communications Officer Magdala “Maggie” Prophete and recognize her for her dedication to her job and her professionalism and exemplary service to Gwinnett County. 
