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Lawrenceville PD wants you

The Lawrenceville Police Department is now offering a Citizens Police Academy (CPA) to the citizens of Lawrenceville and Gwinnett County. The CPA is designed to educate citizens about their police department and how officers enforce local and state laws.

The goal of the CPA is to create and develop a growing nucleus of responsible, well informed citizens, who have the potential to influence public opinion concerning police practices and the delivery of services.

The CPA consists of twelve (12) weeks of both classroom and practical application. Some of the activities include; but not limited to: police department tour, vehicle pullovers, firearms safety, K-9, officer safety, drug identification & trends, gangs, crime scene processing, the communications center and ride alongs.

lawrenceville-pd-dogThe academy is open to all Lawrenceville residents and those employed in Lawrenceville, eighteen years of age or older, who successfully pass the application process and a driver’s and criminal history check. Residents of Lawrenceville are given first priority and consideration will be given to Gwinnett County residents based upon class seating availability.

Applications are accepted year round at the Lawrenceville Police Department and two academies are conducted each year; usually in the spring and fall. The applications are considered in the order they are received. Please visit for more information.
