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Lawrenceville’s Former City Manager Honored by Georgia Municipal Association

Robert Baroni Receives ‘Lifetime Service’ Award

Lawrenceville - Former Lawrenceville City Manager Robert “Bob” Baroni received the Lifetime Service Award from the Georgia Municipal Association (GMA) in recognition of his 42 years of service to the city.

Left to right: Councilman David Still, Councilman Keith Roche, Former City Manager Bob Baroni, Mayor Judy Johnson, Councilman Tony Powell, Councilman Bob Clark and GMA Executive Director Lamar Norton.

The award was presented to Baroni at the Lawrenceville City Council Meeting on June 6th.

lawrenceBaroni GMA Award190Left: Bob Baroni, Lamar Norton (GMA) and the Baroni family

Baroni also served as Lawrenceville city clerk and the city’s recreation director. During his time in Lawrenceville, Baroni maintained a high-level of fiscal responsibility with tax payer dollars. This allowed several large projects, including a new city hall, to be built (in conjunction with SPLOST funding) at zero debt to the city.

Baroni is also responsible for creating an environment of work/life balance for every staff person at the city, all while mentoring residents and staff in his community. 

“Bob has demonstrated his love for his town through his many years of generous service to its residents,” said GMA Executive Director Lamar Norton. “Lawrenceville is fortunate to have that kind of dedicated leadership, and Georgia’s cities are also grateful to have seen the example he set for all city leaders.”

Based in Atlanta, GMA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that provides legislative advocacy, educational, employee benefit and consulting services to its 521 member cities.
