Summer comes to an end

Since summer is coming to an end, and school will be starting soon, I’ve decided to do my August article on my five best summer memories. 

Everything Ella - Ella Thomas

The first started just two days into summer break. My brother was going to Disney World for a school band trip, and my dad was chaperoning, so it was just my mom and me. We called this time alone our “Pre-Disney Diva Party” (or “PDDP” for short). During this time together my mom and I literally shopped until we dropped, baked, pulled out my old karaoke machine and sang into wooden kitchen spoons, watched chick flicks.  We also got manicures and pedicures, and went to Dave and Busters, where my mom got hooked on this really freaky simulator game. We also ate…a lot. One night, and I’m not proud of this, I even ate a half gallon of cookie dough ice-cream.

The second was just after the “PDDP”. We called that the “Pre-Disney Diva Party” because it was what was leading up to our trip to Disney. At the end of our “PDDP” we flew to Orlando and met up with my dad and brother. We all stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. It was so cool! There were zebras, giraffes, ostriches, donkeys, spoon billed ducks, and so many more animals right outside our window! We went to all the parks.   My favorite rides were Expedition Everest in Animal Kingdom, and Rockin’ Roller-Coaster and Tower of Terror in Hollywood Studios. I also loved the countries of Epcot.

The third happened a couple of days after we got back from Disney. We were flying out to see my former awesome babysitter/nanny, Abby, who is in college in Texas. My mom, Abby’s mom, and I all flew to Texas to see Abby and help her move into her new apartment. While we were there we also went shopping in Dallas and saw a movie at the Movie Tavern.

The fourth best memory of my summer. One day, my mom and dad surprised me by saying that they had gotten 2 tickets for Katy Perry’s Prismatic tour concert in Atlanta that was two weeks away.  I was so excited! The day of the concert I got all dressed up, and sprayed my hair blue. My dad and brother went out to dinner with us near Phillips arena, and then dropped us off there for the concert. When we found our seats, we realized that we were only four rows up from the stage! Then, after the concert, at about midnight, we all went to Waffle House. (And yes, I wore my costume to both restaurants).

The last best memory of the summer was when my dad and brother went on a fishing trip, and my mom and I wanted to do something small, yet fun. We decided to go to Callaway Gardens. This first day we were there, we did a zip lining obstacle course, then we went back to the hotel room and ordered the best room service ever! The next day we got up and went to Wild Animal Safari, where the animals stick their heads in your car, and you feed them. It was a lot of fun… until… About half way through, a really cute llama stuck his head in the car and I thought it was so cute, so I tried to pet it. Then, it sneeze-puked all over my face and in my mouth. It was disgusting!!! After that, my mom and I went to the beach (which was really a lake) and I did an in the water obstacle course. As soon as that was over, we walked up the beach and saw a circus that was put on by college kids from Florida State. Then, we went to the room and decided to order room service again (yes, it was that good). The last day we were there, my mom and I went to a cute little bakery on our way home. It was a lot of fun!

This summer I had so many fun times! I really hope you enjoyed yours too!

And that’s everything with Ella! (for now…) Ella 
