Odyssey of the mind

Odyssey of the mind

While many kids were wrapping up a sports season, final exams, and planning for summer break, two Odyssey of the Mind teams from Grayson were working hard to prepare for the World Finals held at Michigan State University.

The competition hosted 64 teams from around the world and Grayson, GA was among the very best! 

Under the guidance of Kris McNeil, Jennifer York and Amy Pearson  the Grayson Cluster Teams scored a highly respectable and amazing 6th and 8th places in the Silent Movie Division of Problem Solving. In this category, teams created and presented a performance depicting a Director character who produces a silent movie. The featured “villain” character was tasked with committing three silly acts of “villainy”. The team had to create music played on a team-created instrument as well as creatively display subtitles. 

Hours of work, practice, rewrites, and more practice filled the days from the State of Georgia event to the World Finals. Parents sold everything from donuts to BBQ in order to pay for the trip. The kids left just before school got out for summer break and headed north. “I am beyond proud of my awesome OMers! They took 8th in the world!!!” said Coach Jennifer York. “The 6th grade Grayson team took 6th place! It’s a great day to be a Ram!!!” 

While I didn’t get to personally witness these amazing accomplishments, the events unfolded through a tight-knit group of friends and supporters via text, social media, and excited phone calls. In this case, my place in the bleachers was via a cell phone, but I was honored to be included in the celebrations. Very proud of the Ram Nation OMers! Congratulations. 
