Overloaded and stressed out!

Overloaded and stressed out!
By Dr Foley Beach
Holy Cross Anglican Church

Jesus said in John 16:33 – These things I have spoken to you that in me you might have peace. In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. Following Jesus brings peace into one’s life even in the midst of the great difficulties and tribulations of life. His peace passes all understanding. It is real and it is wonderful!

Dr Foley Beach

And yet, when I observe the modern-day Christian’s life, my own life included, I don’t see lives saturated in God’s peace. I see overwhelming stress.

I see anxiety. I see financial pressure. I see maxed-out schedules. I see people who are tired and weary. Does this match up with what Jesus said in John 10:10 – I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly?

God has given us a body with a soul. And each of our lives has a capacity of what our soul can take on at any given time (usually this capacity is way more than we can imagine). God desires that we might have life, and He desires it to be full. He wants us to have meaningful, fulfilling, lives filled with His Presence – life itself. However, you and I tend to fill our lives with SO MUCH that we are over that capacity.

This space is called margin. It’s that space between ourselves and our limits. It’s breathing room. It’s that reserve for the unanticipated. It’s that place for the surprises. It’s that place between the “abundant life” and deadly lives.

Margin is allowing extra time to get to an appointment. It is having money left at the end of the month after you pay your bills. It’s coming to the end of your day and having the emotional energy to play with your kids. It’s having enough time in your schedule to be able to get a good night’s rest. It is that place where God often meets us.

But too often, because of the choices we make, the debts we take on, our lack of trust in God, our desire to succumb to cultural norms, and allowing technology to control us, our lives end up with too much to do, too much debt, and too much demand. We end up in chaos, being overwhelmed, emotionally exhausted, physically debilitated, and SPIRITUALLY dead.

Is this the way God wants us to live our lives? Is this the witness He wants us to have to our unbelieving friends? It’s time for us to take a serious look in the mirror and examine ourselves and the priorities we have for our lives. We are not only wounding the cause of Jesus; we are hurting ourselves!!

Richard Swenson, in his book, Margin, writes: Overload is not having time to finish the book you are reading on stress. Margin is having time to read it twice. Overload is fatigue. Margin is energy. Overload is red ink. Margin is black ink. Overload is hurry. Margin is calm. Overload is anxiety. Margin is security.

For more information on this topic, listen to the sermon series, “It’s About Time,” at http:/www.awordfromthelord.org.

Dr. Foley Beach is the bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the South and rector of Holy Cross Anglican Church in Loganville. His A Word from the Lord radio broadcast can be heard in Gwinnett County each Sunday morning at 8:30 on WGKA (920 AM) and 10:00 on WMOQ (92.3 FM), or anytime at http://www.awordfromthelord.org. You may respond to this article or send your questions to foleybeach@awordfromthelord.org.
