Gwinnett County Board of Education Approves One-Time Salary Adjustment for Full-Time, Benefited Employees

At its June 20 meeting, the Gwinnett County Board of Education unanimously approved a one-time salary adjustment to be paid to all full-time, benefited employees of Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) who received a payroll check in May 2019. The salary adjustment of $300 will be paid in a lump sum in the June 2019 monthly and second semi-monthly paychecks.

Gwinnett Citizen News

The one-time adjustment is possible due to savings related to the employer contribution the district pays to the State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP). Chief Financial Officer Joe Heffron explains, “The state recently announced that all state agencies and school districts will be participating in a one-month SHBP employer contribution holiday for the month of June.”

CEO/Superintendent J. Alvin Wilbanks recommended that the net savings realized by the district be passed along to employees. “We hope this one-time pay adjustment will send a much-deserved thank you to all of our employees as they are the key to Gwinnett County Public Schools’ success,” says Superintendent Wilbanks.

Providing a one-time salary adjustment is not a new practice for the Gwinnett County Board of Education, which took similar action in 2014 and 2016. The School Board and Superintendent feel the current salary adjustment is once again an appropriate use of the additional funds.

The one-time pay adjustment in June will have no impact on the salary increases approved for employees in the School Board’s FY2020 Budget. These consist of a $3,000 cost-of-living increase for all employees paid on the teacher salary schedule; a 2% cost-of-living increase for all employees not paid on the teacher salary schedule; and a salary step increase for all eligible employees. These raises will take effect beginning with employees’ first salary payments for the 2019-2020 school year.
