Last year over 200+ college recruiters were in attendance looking for athletes to play at the collegiate level. We are really excited and hope to represent the state of Georgia well. We will be there from July 18th through the 26th.
The team formed last August and have been working and playing together since that time. They practice as a team typically (2) nights per week, and then workout on their own, hitting, fielding, pitching and/or catching. They play tournaments 2 to 3 weekends per month between March and the end of July. A tremendous amount of effort has gone into this with a lot of blood, sweat and tears by each one of them. We primarily play in the ASA national qualifier tournaments, but we have played in some of the biggest tournaments in the southeast within other organizations: PGF, USFA and Camsports.
More information on the Atlanta Premier organization and the team can be found at: Information on the PGF National Championships can be found at: You can also follow their progress on Facebook on the team website: