The team from GSMST placed first overall. Team members Timothy Gieseking (not pictured), Julius Tao, Jason Fan, and Albert Kim were coached by GSMST mathematics teacher Robin Miles. Additionally, Timothy Gieseking earned top honors as the individual State Math Tournament winner.
At the state competition, competitors individually complete a 50-question multiple-choice test and a speed round followed by teams working together to complete a set of a dozen challenging problems. The questions come from topics included in the standard high school curriculum up to and including calculus, as well as topics not traditionally found in the curriculum, such as number theory and combinatorics.
The Georgia Council of Teachers of Mathematics (GCTM) sponsors the annual state math championship. Schools are invited to send four of their best math team students to compete. Schools earn an invitation to the state math tournament based on their performance at other tournaments throughout the state. Schools from all Georgia High School Association (GHSA) classifications as well as non-GHSA schools compete together.
“We make every effort to invite the schools with the best math teams in Georgia so that this is truly a battle of champions,” says Tournament Director and GCTM Vice-President of Competitions, Dr. Chuck Garner.
The tournament was held at the Middle Georgia State University (MGSU) Conference Center in Macon. GCTM, MGSU, and AT&T of Georgia sponsored the event. Mu Alpha Theta, the national mathematics honor society, made cash prizes available to the top three individual winners.
At the conclusion of the state tournament, the students selected for the All-State Math Team are announced. All four GSMST students were selected for this team. This team will represent the state of Georgia at the nation-wide American Regions Math League (ARML) tournament on June 4.