With the click of a mouse, you can contribute to a 529 college savings plan, which can help a child achieve his or her dreams.
An account in Georgia’s college savings plan, the Path2College 529 Plan, can be opened with as little as $25, and giving is easy. Simply click on the “Give a Gift” section on http://www.Path2College529.com, and you can download a Gift of Education Certificate https://www.path2college529.com/gifting/certificate.shtml and show that you’ve given them the gift of education.
Path2College’s e-gifting program also allows parents to send a tactful, prewritten email inviting grandparents, aunts, uncles and other gift-givers to contribute to a child’s existing Path2College 529 Plan college savings account. The email contains a link that, when clicked on, takes the family member or friend to a secure web page, where he or she can make an electronic contribution from a checking or savings account. The e-gifting program allows family and friends to make contributions without having to know or enter an account number or the investment option to which they’re contributing and no account information is shared with the gifter.
So this holiday season, please remember that sometimes the most valuable presents are not wrapped up and put under the tree. Saving today can help pay for college expenses tomorrow, and, family and friends often take pride in knowing that they are making an impact in your child’s future by helping you save for his/her education.
I encourage you to check out the state of Georgia’s college savings plan at http://www.Path2College529.com and consider giving a child in your life the gift of education this holiday season.
Mitch Seabaugh is the executive director of Georgia’s Path2College 529 Plan, which was established to provide Georgia families with an easy-to-use and understand, tax-advantaged way to save for college education. For more information about the Path2College 529 Plan and to start your child’s college savings today, please visit http://www.Path2College529.com.
Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses before investing in the Path2College 529 Plan. Visit http://www.path2college529.com for a Plan Disclosure Booklet containing this and other information. Please read it carefully.
Before investing in a 529 plan, you should consider whether the state you or your beneficiary reside in or have taxable income in has a 529 plan that offers favorable state income tax or other benefits that are only available if you invest in that state’s 529 plan.
Account value for the Investment Options is not guaranteed and will fluctuate based upon a number of factors, including general market conditions.
TIAA-CREF Tuition Financing, Inc., Program Manager.