Third Public Hearing on proposed millage rate cancelled – property tax increase, to be rescheduled

Monday's final public hearing about the Gwinnett County proposed millage rate was canceled due to a lack of quorum and will be rescheduled.

Third Public Hearing on proposed millage rate cancelled - property tax increase, to be rescheduled

Under state law, a quorum of the Board of Commissioners consisting of three members must be present in person in order to conduct business.

The Gwinnett Board of Commissioners are considering keeping the general fund millage rate of 6.95 mills the same as last year.

When the total digest of taxable property is prepared, Georgia law requires a rollback millage rate must be computed that will produce the same total revenue on the current year’s digest that last year’s millage rate would have produced had no reassessments occurred.

For 2022, Gwinnett County’s rollback millage rate is calculated at 6.088 mills. The 2022 millage rate that the Board of Commissioners is considering is 6.950, or 0.862 mills above the rollback millage rate. Therefore, state law requires commissioners to announce a property tax increase.

The Board of Commissioners adopted the 2022 budget assuming the current millage rate, not the calculated rollback rate. The revenue raised from 2022 property taxes will fund County services and needs that are approved by the board.

Information about the rescheduled meeting will be posted on the County’s website,
