Love, kiss and hug

For all of you that read my articles every month, first I would like to say, “thank you”.  It warms my heart to know you are reading what I have written.  Secondly, please continue to do so. LOL.  I want to apologize for the interruption of my consecutive years about Snellville.  However, I feel I need to write what or how I am feeling at this time.

Mandy Snell

Last week I experienced 2 deaths in 2 days.  These were people I considered my friends, I loved them and I’m pretty sure they loved me.  Even though I didn’t talk to them everyday or even once a month, I cared for them a great deal.

I will start with Mike Brannan, he and my sister Jan were very close.  As a matter of fact she introduced him to his wife Joyce.  They had two beautiful children, Melissa & Marty. Mike stared working at the U.S. Postal Service when he was about 19 or 20.  He worked at the old Stone Mountain office first, and then came to Snellville for a few years and when Loganville opened their Post Office, he was the Post Master there.  This is where he retired.

He was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease in early April; he passed away in July 24, 2013.  You can see this ugly disease didn’t take long to claim his life.  He was one of the most sweetest, genuine people I have ever known, he will be remembered fondly.  He was the uncle of a few of our classmates Mack Brannan, Ted Wilson, and Todd and Donna Brannan.  Please keep them all in your prayers and thank you for your time with me the other night and your information.  

The second is my stepson, Austin’s grandmother. Her name is Norma Chaney.  Absolutely one of the sweetest, most soft-spoken ladies there ever was!  She has 4 children and 11 grandchildren.  I never heard her say a cross word to anyone or speak an ugly word about someone.  

I’m sorry if this is coming across as an obituary, but these people meant a lot to me and so many others.  

My point, I guess is this:  love everyday, hug everyday & kiss everyday.  Tomorrow is not promised to us, we just expect it to be there.  

Say what you need to say, if it hurts someone’s feelings… then apologize.  But at least they will know how you are feeling.  Keep God on speed dial cause you know there is someone you need to speak to EVERYDAY!  So for all of you that I don’t get to speak to often, please know I love you and wish nothing but love and happiness for you and yours!  Until next time…

Mandy Snell is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about growing up in Snellville and its history. Mandy’s articles are also published on and we welcome you to add your history by commenting on the articles.

Mandy Snell is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about life in Snellville and its history. We welcome you to add your history by commenting below.
