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Memorial Day Service on Duluth Town Green

Duluth celebrates our veterans& service members

Duluth – As veteran flags & markers go up throughout Duluth, the City of Duluth is gearing up for a Memorial Day Service to be held on Duluth Town Green in honor of our veterans and service members. 

Memorial Day Service on Duluth Town Green

duluth logo190“This service is just a small token of appreciation to all of those who have selflessly served to keep our country safe” said Event Coordinator Maggie Waddell. 

The Memorial Day Service will take place on Duluth Town Green, Saturday, May 28th at 10am. The event begins shortly after the Fast Track 5K. Duluth ROTC will present colors and the City will recognize our veterans and service members. 

The City of Duluth places veteran flags and markers throughout Duluth City limits every year to honor our fellow men & woman who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. For more information, visit
