Mentoring through the years

As always, my view from the bleachers is a window on the community. This issue, many of the views shared have been from the graduation arena.

Pop Moe and Taylor Miller

Outgoing seniors and incoming freshmen make our school, just like any other a busy place. It seems, sometimes, like the doors are always swinging open with students streaming in and out. The kids who walk through those doors all have something to offer, but mentoring has stood out this month.

To be a good mentor, you have to have had good role models. One such mentor, Taylor Miller, who happens to have served in leadership within the marching band at Grayson High School is going to be sorely missed. She “was there” for her peers in a variety of ways. She served the band but also was a peer tutor, advisor and friend. I happen to know this because my own kid and his friend depended heavily upon her to help them through freshman math. “Taylor always tried to help even if she didn’t completely remember the concept. She would study it and be ready to help us the very next day,” says Jacob Harbour. “She is friendly, did a lot for us and was extremely helpful.” 

Good mentoring comes with good role models. Taylor and I happen to share a role model. When I was in high school, my friends and I had the privilege of knowing and being loved and guided by a dad who coached and cared for all kids no matter who they were or where they were from. We called him Pop Moe and, sadly, we lost touch after I graduated in 1984. Many years later, he showed up again in my life as a co-worker. We built houses together for several years in the early 1990’s. He always supported my dreams and is part of why I came to have the courage to be a writer. Pop is a born mentor. 

Much to my surprise, although I don’t know why it should come as a surprise, Pop “popped” back up on Facebook. One of our mutual friends? Yep! The one and only Taylor, mentor extraordinaire who counts Pop Moe as one of her mentors. So, in this very interconnected world, we celebrate our mentors and it just so happens that we also get to wish our co-mentor a very happy Father’s Day Pop!

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