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The month of October has changed my view “from the bleachers” by allowing me the privilege of working with students as interns.

 I was given the opportunity to have a young writer from Archer High School “shadow” me on an interview for a pair of articles that required a tender touch. Additionally this month, I was able to include my step-daughter, Gini, as I covered an event involving student art. Both events actually resulted in my own view “from the bleachers” being altered as I saw my job through their eyes.  

As generally happens, if you keep your mind open, the mentor ends up the student in many cases. The care with which young writer, Julie Rizzo, approached the subject of loss and how you cope was almost mesmerizing. Her genuine interest in her subject produced prodding, but appropriate, questions which have resulted in a more personal angle on the subject of scholarships. She managed her interviews with maturity and grace. It was beautiful to see it all come together. 

Photography requires an eye for what is important and some artistic flair. Watching Gini hone her camera skills over the past couple of years by following her own instincts has yielded some fascinating photos. Her interest in the printed result vs. online shows her talent and energy. I took that into consideration and turned the camera over to her as we attended an art showing for a young artist in Grayson. Gini took the photos as I worked the crowd for their response to the showing. Hardly anyone noticed her “intrusion” and the results were used for the article. Not bad for a 9 year-old. 

Giving time and energy to youth is never wasted. While some results are immediate, you never know how or when your input makes a difference to a student. I have to encourage you to mentor a student, become involved-you most certainly get more than you give-that’s just the way the formula works whether you see the results or not. 
