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New versus old

New versus old
By Rodney Camren

How is your mental health? Studies show that your habitat (home & neighborhood) most certainly affects your mental health. Spring is here and the real estate market is back, hotter than ever before! Interest rates are still at a historically low.

Rodney Camren, Star Team Atlanta

A healthy economy usually has interest rates around 7-9%, right now they are still around 4-5%. Homes are being listed in communities all over Gwinnett County and barely hitting the MLS before having multiple offers, all of them at full price or above asking price. Everywhere you look there are large bulldozers clearing off land and beginning new construction for new subdivisions. So as we have this wonderful resurgence of real estate activity across the nation where does that leave you and your family? Is this the time you want to sell your home? Is this the time you want to lease your home out? Do you want new construction or something to remodel to your own taste? Do you want to move to a community with a hustle and bustle? Maybe move to a community doing a lot of revitalization. Everyone remembers television from the 60’s and how homes and neighborhoods represented a healthy community life. Fast forward another almost 60 years and life itself, along with our neighborhoods are vastly different. People are not as well connected, not only in their neighborhoods but even in their own households. Back in the 60’s your home was a safe and peaceful place for unloading all your cares from the day. Is that how you would describe your home today? Do you feel relaxed enough in your home to lay all the cares of your day at the door and not think about them until you leave? The neighbors were friendly and almost like family and a support system. How do you see your neighbors? Can you call on them to be you and your family’s support system?

Newly constructed homes are wonderful in that fact that no one has ever lived in the home before and there are no pet odors; there are no worn marks or cooking smells that the previous home owners have left. The neighbors are new as well, not like those older neighborhoods that have that one person who thinks they own the whole block and are in charge of the neighborhood. Most new neighborhoods also have new schools, new commerce and new infrastructure in the community. From a mental perspective there is something wonderful about purchasing a new home, a sense of accomplishment for you and your family. When you worry over a deteriorating neighborhood or school systems, crime, constant maintenance of a home and watching people you like move away from your community there can be added stress. This added stress affects our mental health, your job, friends and most of all family life.

But is it really new versus old? Or is it attitude? Your Attitude? Does one leave a situation or neighborhood to migrate to other like-minded people? Moving to areas and neighborhoods that compliment them as human beings and their desires? In doing so are they doing so because they know changing perceptions and stigmas of a deteriorating area is not easy? But what if you are in a neighborhood that isn’t the most desirable and sought out among your community? One that when you look it up on the internet is constantly being ridiculed of, let’s just say pawn shops, title & check cashing stores, low ranking high schools and community leaders who don’t care and can’t do much because they are part time? A community that refuses to clean up the landscape or incorporate sidewalks, streetscape or anything related to 2014 and beyond? What about a community that doesn’t enforce their quality of life codes for both home and business owners? Here are 3 basic steps to Clean up your Community!

ONE: Elect Leaders who really want to keep your community Clean and Beautiful. A lot of times the people who are elected are the ones who will have codes enforced or not have them enforced. TWO: Organize a Clean Up & Recycling Day, make sure the weather isn’t too hot, too cold and no rain. Clean up days should also include plenty of trash bags, gloves, paint & equipment for lawn service to assist those who many not be able to do their own yard. Make this a fun event and bring plenty of water and snacks. THREE: Organize a Neighborhood Watch. Have the local police department come out and host a meeting with your neighborhood. No one wants to be a victim of a crime or see drugs being sold from the neighbor’s home. Sometimes leaving your community is not an option but being involved and holding people accountable is. So, find out what it is you want for healthy living in your community and make the necessary arrangements whether it is to get involved and make the necessary changes or call your local Realtor to sell your home so you can buy something new in a community that your endorphins will rejoice over! 

To reach Rodney Camren please call (404) 375-1496 or email
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