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New Year: Discover your Why?

With the start of 2019, we often set goals. Understanding our Why in life will help one establish goals and stay on course for successfully achieving them. Dr. Robert Frazier, Assistant Principal shares with you his search for his Why in life in a motivating, quick read, eye-opening book for all. A must read for all students and all individuals who work with people.

Dr. Robert Frazier motivates students on making good choices.

Dr. Frazier’s book “One ‘Sipp’ From Life’s Cup: The Audacity to Rebel against the Odds” opens his life to share difficult and unbearable times in his life _ times that he and his brother and sisters survived to become successful contributors to society. He accepted the challenges and rebelled against the odds to achieve, what he termed, the impossible. In reality, he has shown all is possible with the right attitude, caring people, and perseverance.

In his introduction, he acknowledges that people who feel a single woman can’t raise children, especially boys, is sadly uninformed. His book is a recognition of the great influence women have been in his becoming the successful, caring man he is today.

As a single mother who worked with special needs students, there was not a lot of money to raise 5 children; however, she did provide a caring, loving and supportive home for their family. Unfortunately, single people may not always make a wise choice in selecting a spouse. The abuse his mother endured affected all the children. Eventually, the stepfather became verbally and physically violent with the children. The worse abuse was when Robert witnessed the murder of his mother by this evil man. Her brutal murder changed his life forever.

Follow him through his trials and tribulations of graduating high school, going to military school and graduating college. Readers will be inspired by how he handled many tragic situations including physical and mental abuse he endured in his childhood. His methodology and planning of solving identity theft showed his exceptional patience and ability to deal with people. All of this has made him the great educator and motivator he is today.

His positive nature and willingness to see others succeed assist him daily as he serves Gwinnett students as an Assistant Principal at Shiloh High School. Dr. Frazier feels his connection between leadership and motivation is his commitment to be a Servant Leader. As he stated, “There are many different types of leadership styles, qualities, and perspectives. Most importantly for me is understanding that good leaders are great followers first. This belief rings true in my current position as a school administrator. Being a leader is not just a title or a hat that I wear. Before I could effectively lead, I had to put myself in a position to learn, develop and offer other opportunities for new learning as well. I serve by valuing people, being authentic and transparent, building community, make a deep commitment to listening to others, willingness to give trust and being trustworthy, and understanding the needs of others. Far too often, leadership is thought of as a position of power and influence. To create and support positive outcomes, one must have a connection to the people one serves and the work that they do. I am fortunate to live this experience every day.”

“One ‘Sipp’ from Life’s Cup” is influencing more and more people and educators every day. Eric Thigpen, Executive Director of the Department of Academic Support for GCPS stated, “This book is extraordinary and should be turned into a movie. Every mentor and mentee should have a copy of One SIPP from Life’s Cup.” The State Director of Special Education Services and Supports for Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) Dr. Zelphine Smith-Dixon, stated, “I have thought countless times about the statement in One SIPP From Life’s Cup where he mentioned of only being successful at failing. I wonder how many children throughout the state of Georgia feel the same way without anyone to show them differently.” 

Dr. Frazier is a passionate motivational speaker. Those fortunate enough to attend Gwinnett County Public Schools Career Summit on March 2, 2019, will have the pleasure of having him as their keynote speaker. A personally autographed copy of his book is available for purchase only on his website Books may be purchased at major bookstores including Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Kindle.
