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News has changed.

At age 10, I delivered papers every morning. I kept one paper to read. I wanted to be a reporter and write for a newspaper.

Bill York

Although it is now impossible, I would have kept television much less intrusive. There are so many channels there is not adequate talent to fill the time with inspirational programming.

Instead, we see chefs frying eggs with their guests applauding the marvelous feat.

I long for the time when only four stations were in Atlanta and the screen became black at midnight.

Guy Sharpe and Johnny Beckman reported the weather without the use of flashing lights. Their reports were never embellished. They returned on camera only when needed.

Some of the people on TV must have attended seminars to learn speed-yelling. I’m amazed at the piercing voices. I can leave the den and still hear the strident noise.

At age 92, I prefer silence.

Almost everyone with Fox News mentions Fox News as if viewers do not know the station to which they are tuned.

An interesting fact is that people in the studio are yelling at a camera only a few feet away.

Another nuisance is experts seated behind a desk, interrupting each other so frequently I become annoyed and mute the sound.

On another program, a panel discusses how to launder dirty pajamas. The gallery applauds each revelation. Great entertainment!

Breaking news often breaks again and again, sometimes days later.

I don’t need to know temperatures every few minutes. I’m not stupid; if it is cold I’ll put on a sweater. If it is warm I will take it off. I don’t care if Macon is one degree colder than Carrolton.

Since I live near Dacula I’m not interested in weather conditions in Nashville.

One advantage in avoiding television is the involvement with family and the educational value of reading.

Most of the population has become addicted to cell phones, television, and automobiles requiring minimal exertion.

During my last visit, my Doctor told me old folks should sit no more than two hours a day. He said seniors need more exercise.

I like the feel of a newspaper. It’s quiet and doesn’t repeat stories again and again. Newspapers have been here much longer than TV, and I like to read during breakfast.

We are hammered with noise; straight pipes, motorcycles, boom-boxes, jet airplanes, TV announcers and weathercasters.

Thankfully there are newspapers to silently provide current events.

Bill is a 92-year old WW II Navy veteran and retired President of York Furs in Buckhead. You can contact him by email at
