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Norcross announces completion of the Hunter-Walker Trail

The highly anticipated Hunter-Walker Trail connects Residents and Highlights Public Art 

Pictured above are photos of Hunter Walker Park including Before & After paving photos (2nd & 3rd from left), a pedestrian bridge, and manhole art

The City of Norcross announced recently that work on the Hunter-Walker Trail, a 0.17-mile trail connecting Hunter Street and Rossie Brundage Park, is now complete. The trail brings a sense of community and serves as an economic driver for the city.

Construction began on the Hunter-Street Trail in 2018 as part of the Kennemore Manor Subdivision development. An easement was granted to the city by the development group in order to connect the trail to Rossie Brundage Park. Featuring a paved path, pedestrian bridge and public art by artist Dr. Angelika Domschke honoring the city’s Bee City designation, the trail was completed in late August and is a welcome addition to the city.

“Although newly constructed, the Hunter-Walker Trail has a long history in the City of Norcross,” said Mayor Craig Newton. “Prior to being an ‘official trail,’ this path served as a cut-through to the park for many residents. I remember taking this path as a kid and I’m so proud of the transformation we’ve been able to make with it.”

The original trail connected two African-American neighborhoods in the late 40s and 50s, providing ease of access for commerce and community activities between these neighborhoods.

When the city began work to pave and otherwise enhance the path as an official walking trail, several names were proposed but ultimately a hybrid was selected paying homage to two historic community leaders: Reverend Anderson H. Hunter and Tom Walker. A local farmer, Reverend Hunter served as pastor at Hopewell Baptist Church in the late 1800s, while Tom Walker (1888-1965) was an entrepreneur who owned properties in Norcross stretching from what is now Holcomb Bridge Road to Jimmy Carter Boulevard.

Trails are an essential part of a thriving community. The benefits are far-reaching and include raised property value, increased public health, transportation connectivity, tourism attraction and a positive effect on community pride and sense of place. The City of Norcross states the new Hunter-Walker Trail has already received rave reviews from residents and visitors and serves as further evidence of Norcross’ commitment to economic and community development.
