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Norcross celebrates Arbor Day with week-long tree planting

In honor of Georgia's Arbor Day on February 15, the city of Norcross is planting trees all week long!

The City of Norcross plans to celebrate Arbor Day this year by planting trees all week long. With both a community planting event
planned for Discovery Garden Park on February 14th and a tree replacement project scheduled for North Peachtree Street, the City invites residents and neighbors alike to embrace the spirit of “green” living.

Tree Replacement Project
The City of Norcross will be replanting 10 trees on North Peachtree Street that have recently been removed after being deemed safety hazards by arborists. As part of the city’s sustainability plan, Norcross has a ‘net zero’ tree policy, which means for every tree removed, a new one is planted in its place. These conservation efforts are enforced by the Tree Board and contribute to the City of Norcross being designated a Tree City for 15 consecutive years along with its Platinum Green Community status. To help honor
Arbor Day, these 10 replacements are scheduled to take place throughout the week of February 11th and will be complete by February 14th.

Community Tree Planting
The city also has planned an event in which the whole community can get involved with Arbor Day! On February 14th at 10 a.m., help us ‘spread the love’ for trees with a tree planting in Discovery Garden Park. (That’s right, it has not escaped us that this is Valentine’s Day! What better day to show our appreciation to Mother Earth?) Community partners, families and friends are invited to join together with the City of Norcross and its Tree Board in this celebration of life.

Trees give our community many things: clean air to breathe, shade to cool our homes and offices, a beautiful green space to play and gather in… They reduce the costs for energy, capture air pollution and treat polluted water. Trees even help with erosion control by reducing stormwater runoff, and boost property values. Norcross recognizes the values of trees, and so has implemented initiatives to ensure the future of our city’s tree canopy.

“In Norcross, we value progress and innovation as much as the next city,” states City Mayor Craig Newton. “But we also value our commitment to sustainability and maintaining our unique character, including our trees and green space. That’s why we have programs and policies in  place to help us balance growth with the preservation of those things that make us who we are.”
