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October is National Window Covering Safety Month

It is October already! In addition to pumpkins, Halloween, and apple cider, it is time once again to remind you of the importance of checking the safety of your window coverings.

Joan Miller

On December 15th this year, new laws go into effect regarding cords on stock or ready-made and custom window coverings. Changes are being made to eliminate the risk of strangulation, which has plagued the industry for so many years. Stock or ready-made blinds or shades will now have shorter cords. Custom-made products will have alternative ways of operating the blinds or shades and will be restricted to specific lengths in corded products. The move to cordless including motorization is fast becoming the most popular choice for new window coverings.

It is my job to educate you about the potential hazard in the window covering cords. Here are basic tips recommended by the Window Covering Safety Council:

• Move all furniture, cribs, beds and climbable surfaces away from windows.

• Keep all window cords well out of the reach of children.

• Install only cordless window coverings in homes with young children.

• Make sure tasseled pull cords are as short as possible. Continuous-loop pull cords on draperies and vertical blinds should be pulled tight and anchored to the floor or wall.

• Be sure cord stops are properly installed and adjusted to limit inner-cord movement.

• Retrofit any older blinds or shades that may pose a risk. For more information on retrofitting your window coverings, go to

For a free consultation, call The Blind Ladies – 404 918-5288 or visit our website:
