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My view from the football bleachers has been extended this season. My chaperon friends and I have been sitting in the stands from August-when the metal can cook an egg- to December - when you can freeze same egg.

As of October, I have been sitting in both the football bleachers AND the swimteam bleachers-because when you have kids, that’s what you do.

With the extended season, my viewing time has also been extended which gave some mommies from all the groups involved in a high school football game time to be creative.

#OneTeamRamNation came about because we are blessed to have a pretty cohesive number of friends from among those varied groups. Thanks to football mom Pam Taylor, we got a great shot of her two boys and my oldest representing #OneTeamRamNation. 

Because the Rams Athletic Director, Brian DeBerry seems to be at as many different sports, ROTC, and music events as is humanly possible without a time machine, it is easy to see how the student body gets the idea that everyone’s contribution is valued. But, for now, the entire Ram Nation is completely behind the boys on the field. Evidence of THAT could be seen in the bleachers on Black Friday. Rams were not shopping, they traveled way across town to watch the boys beat West Lake to advance. 

Go #OneTeamRamNation! 
