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Philadelphia Winn Daughters Honor Gwinnett VA Clinic Veterans In Observance of Veterans Appreciation Month

Philadelphia Winn Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution joined other organizations across America to say “Thank You” to America’s military veterans during the month of November.

Treats for the Gwinnett VA Clinic

DAR Service To Veterans Chapter Chair Peggy Freeman led her team of Terri Tigh, Vanessa Wynn, Janet Perry and Linda Mason in the November 13th visit to the Gwinnett VA Clinic in Lawrenceville. The Daughters provided and served cookies, cakes, bottled water and coffee to patients attending the clinic. The refreshments were graciously received, and the smiles, greetings and warm handshakes were most appreciated. The Daughters know the five most meaningful words the veterans can hear….”Thank You For Your Service”, and they were conveyed to all who attended. HODAR Jim Freeman, Atlanta Chapter SAR, assisted the Daughters while greeting veterans and providing guidance to those seeking VA information and assistance.

Overall, it was a day well-spent in showing appreciation to those brave men and women who have sacrificed greatly for our freedom and preservation of American patriotism.
