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QR Codes

QR Codes

By Stephen Brust

Stephen BrustQR Codes! What the heck is a QR Codes?
I know that is what some of you are thinking right now. Well here is the Wikipedia answer to that: QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional bar code).

The QR code was invented in Japan by the Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave in 1994 to track vehicles during manufacture. It was designed to allow high-speed component scanning. It has since become one of the most popular types of two-dimensional barcodes and has completely invaded the web and mobile devices.

How does it work?
A QR Code works by simply scanning the code with a mobile device that is equipped with a camera and QR Code reader application. These applications can be downloaded for free on popular smartphone platforms such as iPhone and Android.

Okay. So, why is this such an innovative thing today for businesses, organizations, foundations and causes? More than half of mobile phone owners in the United States now own smartphones. Of those, approximately 20% have scanned a QR Code. That’s a lot of people. Do you know how QR Codes are used?

No. Not sure. Well, they are used as shortcuts. Yes! That is right. Shortcuts to a multitude of things. Here are just a few: links to online content, email, personal and business websites, phone number, plain ole text, business card info and even event reminders.
So, let’s discuss how you might use a QR code for your business. There are a few ways but let’s look at the most conventional being used today.

Contact Information
Everybody seems to have a business card right? I mean… you spent a good bit of money to have them designed and printed. Just so you could hand them out as you meet people and perspective clients/customers. But, what happens when that individual loses the card you gave them? How do they reach you? Not to worry. You can have a QR code created with all of your contact information on it. That’s right! Everything. Your QR code can contain your name, company name, phone, fax number, address, email and company website.

Okay. So, you are saying, what’s the big deal? That stuff is already on my business card. Yes, it is. But, not like this. You have the QR code printed on the business card, so when scanned by a smartphone the information is then automatically added to their phone’s address book. Now, if they lose the card the information is still there. How cool is that?

Think about it! You’re in a convention showcasing your products and/or services. Why invest in printing trifold brochures when a single page brochure with a QR Code with all the information will do the job. All your visitors have to do is pick it up and scan it with their cell phones. They not only get the information but are also sent directly to a website, for example, where they could be able to see videos and in-depth details about the products offered.
In addition, you can have a QR Code in a banner (size won’t matter) and as people arrive, they can scan it and be shown a video that greets them to the event. Or, if data is available either via wireless or mobile. They could be sent to an Android App download page or iPhone App download page to get event specific application downloaded to their mobile device to enjoy the event even better and have access to more information.

RSVP Events
On your invitation is a QR code that when scanned take the person to a website where they can RSVP to an event, party, drawing, etc….
Last but not least:
Websites and Social Media
The QR code would direct individuals to personal and corporate websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and a multitude of social media sites.

Important Information
1. How do I create a QR code? Go here It’s free.
2. Does my phone have a QR code reader? It should but If not, check this for iPhones and check this for Androids

Now that you have a QR code reader, take it for a spin…. scan this and then like the Gwinnett Citizen’s Facebook page.

Looks like that is it for this segment of Things You Should Know. Please contact us if we can help you with your website or marketing needs.
You can reach us at
phone: 770-367-8157
