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Quilts of Valor exhibit to make stop in Snellville

More than a dozen quilts, which will eventually find themselves comforting U.S. soldiers, will be on display at City Hall beginning July 1.

Quilts of Valor exhibit

Quilts of Valor, a non-profit organization founded in 2003, will bring the quilts to the City Hall Community Room which will be on display through August Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

After they are displayed, they will be sent to troops serving across the world.Quilt-1 190

A Quilt of Valor is a lap-sized quilt made by an individual or group that pieces the fabric for the front, then adds batting and backing fabric before machine quilting. After it has been bound, washed, labeled and wrapped in a presentation case, it is ready to be awarded, according to QOV officials. Quilts are awarded at many different levels: they may go to military hospitals where chaplains award them to service members; they are shipped down range to front line medical facilities; there may be presentations of QOV’s to entire service units returning from combat deployments; they may be awarded at Veterans’ Administration hospitals or presented individually.

Since 2013, more than 100,000 quilts will have been awarded worldwide to service members and veterans. There will also be a collection of military memorabilia on display with the quilts, according to Nedra Bailey of the Snellville Arts Commission.

“I am (also) collecting stories, photos etc. from families and vets on war times,” she said. “These will be displayed in frames as you enter the gallery. I am collecting personal stories no matter how short. I hope to make it personal as well as a good-looking show.”

For more information about the QOVF go to
