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Safety in Regular Auto Maintenance – the best offense is a good defense.

Vehicle maintenance is the same way. This year, especially, you never know when or what will happen next, and if your vehicle has not been maintained regularly it may not be ready to go when you really need it.

Eddie's Automotive Service: Safety in Regular Auto Maintenance

Can you afford to put off that needed service and repairs? Can you afford to be stranded on the side of the road? Planned vehicle maintenance is much easier to do than unplanned breakdowns. We know these are tough times and it is hard to be without your vehicles for a day or even a few hours but that is far better than having to perform vehicle repairs on the vehicle’s terms and not your own.

If you are planning a road trip get your vehicle in for service before your trip so you don’t have any problems on the road. Also, think about leaving your other vehicle with us for service while you are gone. Give us a call @ 770-381-7574 to schedule an appointment.

Sorry to say, but “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” is your motto, get a new motto or get a new car- your choice. For your convenience, we have early bird or late drop-off and if you are paying with a credit card, I can process most of them over the phone so you can pick up your vehicle anytime. Call us for more info on these services @770-381-7574.

We have remained open thru the pandemic. Wanda & I want you to know we are here to help with your car needs. We are so thankful for you, our customers and friends (many times you are all one and the same). 

Until next we see you, stay well, stay safe & God Bless.
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Visit for more information or call 770-381-7574.  
