Spring fever distracting from studies? It’s time to finish strong!

With the break of winter, distractions abound. Flowers bloom; spring sports like baseball, softball, track, tennis and golf begin; we feel the warmth of the sun and think summer is just around the corner. But, before we reach summer we have to finish the school year and finish it strong. With only 6 weeks left and critical tests about to begin, it is important for students to stay focused on the end game.

DeNita McGuinn

As parents we need to ensure our students don’t fade during the final weeks of school. Now is the time to review the rules set at the beginning of the school year and make adjustments as necessary. With extra daylight and increased activities, it’s easy for homework to fall by the wayside, so sticking to a plan and schedule becomes more critical than ever.

Keep in mind that goals differ at this time of year. Some students need to maintain a GPA for high school or college entrance; other students need help finishing final projects or studying for final exams or standardized tests. High school students need to be reminded that college applications are on the horizon and every grade counts towards that cumulative GPA. High school students will also face AP tests and high school juniors are preparing to take the SAT or ACT exams. Did you know spring of junior year is the best time to take the test for the first time as it increases chances for early admission! The next SAT is June 7 and ACT is June 14.

If standardized tests are on the horizon for your children, help them alleviate the anxiety they likely feel by utilizing practice tests available at school or online. Any preparation or practice students do for the test will make them more relaxed and confident on test day. Confidence going in to the test is often the make or break factor in the test results. Taking timed practice tests can be especially effective preparation as it is often the stress of being timed, not the content, that produces anxiety.

Making sure your student is getting enough sleep and setting adequate time aside for study will help them stay on top of tests and projects. If your student is moving into the danger zone with grades, homework or focus, consider one-on-one tutoring to ensure a strong finish to the school year. It’s not too late to turn a C to a B or a B into an A. At College Tutors, we focus on each student’s individual needs; we create a statement of goals specifically for each student and develop a plan to help them reach those goals! The end of the school year is a very popular time for additional tutoring and appointments will fill up fast.

Be sure to get your child the help they need to finish strong. 
