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Springtime happenings in Gwinnett

Springtime happenings in Gwinnett
By Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

I have loved live theatre since I was in high school and taken by my English class (Language Arts not having been invented yet) on a Field Trip to see Henry Fonda in “Our Town” on Broadway.

Photo by Loralee Beard, Magic Moment Photography

The mystery of plays is that I can bet that in any play— how modest or grand the setting, there will be at least one performer who is magnificent.  Since I have known Jack Jehle since he was a young boy, I was thrilled that he was playing “Beast” in Grayson High School’s “Beauty and the Beast” Spring Musical. The night of the play, I was overwhelmed by his talent and presence. It was as they say “larger than life”.  And I have to add that Sierra Chard as Belle also displayed outsize talent and charm.  As far as the GHS theatre venue, there were no parking headaches or other urban concerns.


The Lanier High School Prom was full of the dignified and well dressed students that characterize LHS. The pleasant surprise was the opportunity to photograph a family portrait of two talented baseball athletes—the Coursey brothers.  Senior Cam likes to “fish and make money” while younger brother Chase lists his interested as “baseball, hunt, fish and love woman”.

Cap and Gown photos in the Spring are significant because graduation is now days away.  Adorable Brianna Browner, Mill Creek High School Graduating Senior, upped the emotional stakes by posing with a picture of an “even then” adorable Brianna at her preschool graduation. 

Archer High School has had many successes including a fierce reputation in the athletic arena. All this has occurred in only a few years under the leadership of Athletic Director Tim Watkins. His son #11 can be seen as the pitcher pointing the ball in the middle of the team picture of the Archer Athletic Association 8 and under traveling team. 

Just down the road, the Grayson Athletic Association 13 and under, Traveling Team, shown has three seasoned area Coaches Matt Gray – in the center, Rob Blair (left) and Scott Bryant (right). 

I was minding my own work initiatives at Mountain View High School, when I became mesmerized by a set of glorious shoes.  Engineering Concepts Teacher aka Wrestling Coach Darryl Colley had an assignment where in every student had to make shoes out of duct tape.  The students then had to road test their shoes by experiences such as dunking them in a pail of water , running a race and climbing up and down stairs.

I selected some fine shoes to photograph and ended up with left to right: Sebastian Borrego-Santiago (10th grade), Brandon Hall (Senior), Cameron Barabino (10th grade; seated on ground), Riley Brogdon,(Senior) and Cameron Chunko (10th grade).  A scandal ensued during my interview with Mr. Barabino, who claimed his hounds tooth shoes were inspired by his “dogs teeth.”   However, classmate Je’Von Franklin appeared and reported he had made the shoes and had given them to Mr. Barabino because they were too small for him. This kind of patent wrangling is reminiscent of Alexander Graham Bell and Nikola Tesla.

The picture of Grayson Athletic Association athlete Spencer Conn, is bittersweet.  The Conn family has graced the Snellville-Grayson Community for many years with Patriarch Charlie Conn and the lovely Paula.  Now Mickey Conn is leaving to Coach with Dabo Sweeney at Clemson and for all the excitement over this opportunity, many of us are reflecting that life will be a little plainer without Haley, Mickey, Brody and 3rd grader Spencer.

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