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Stretching further

Stretching further
By NG3 staff

In an effort to expand the reach of NG3, volunteers are enlisted to “adopt” a team at the  high schools NG3 serves. The role of the volunteer is simple: serve the adopted team on a regular basis through leadership of a weekly character discussion or devotional.  Until this fall, NG3 has unfortunately been able to serve only male sports, but that has changed! 

NG3 Staff

Welcome to the NG3 family, Christina Estrada, mother to three boys who aren’t even old enough to be in high school.   What motivates someone, who doesn’t have a child in high school much less on the team she is willing to serve, to step forward and volunteer to impact the lives of teenagers?  We sat down and asked Christina those very questions: 

Why did you decide to participate as an NG3 volunteer?
Well, I am a “boy mom.” I have three little boys who – in my very biased opinion – are the best kids in the world! My husband and I pour our hearts into teaching them to be strong, compassionate, smart, funny, and respectful. After reading the [Faith In Sports] article about NG3, I was thankful to have men in our community who had enough courage and heart to volunteer to hang out with and care for the boys…I realized that I had to be a part of the bigger picture…I’ve got to be there for the girls too. I’ve got to show up and live life with them. I’ve got to help them see how special they are, teach them how to respect themselves and be a blessing to others…Selfishly, I wanted to do it for my boys. But honestly, I wish I would have had a coach when I was growing up to talk to me about life and spirituality and help me see beyond the four walls of high school.

As a volunteer, what do you do through NG3?
I get to work with the varsity softball team. I show up for practice and hang out in the dugout. I offer prayer at the beginning of games…I bring my family with me to cheer from the stands. I engage with the girls on different social media sites – try to speak their language (although I confess, it’s like learning Greek!)…I’ve planned some fun get-togethers for us…but mostly, I just hang out and wait for opportunities to praise and encourage the girls.

What would you say to others considering being a volunteer?
This is a tough question. Honestly, high school was difficult for me.  I don’t think I’m in the minority on that statement, and I was intimidated to walk onto the field with the girls. I realized it was time to pray!  That prayer made me realize how important my role as a volunteer would be…I think that the most important thing…is that it takes a village to raise a child…Kids need someone close to them, rather than a network of thousands of strange faces, to show them that life isn’t perfect, but that we can do our best and be there to help each other through. Volunteering for NG3 has been wonderful. They have been very supportive and encouraging. They model what they teach the kids – character and community bring about positive change.

If you would like to learn more about volunteering through NG3, please visit
Please email for more information on how you can be the difference!
Together….we can Be the difference!

Interested in finding out more about what NG3 is doing to make a difference in the Next Generation or how you can help? Go to NG3 is a non-profit 501(c)3 independently funded by donors like you!!

P.O. Box 1429
Snellville, GA 30078

Thomas Jannett – Character Coach, Community Coach

Berkmar HS
Javier Muñoz – Character Coach, Community Coach

Brookwood HS
Matt Williams – NG3 Director  Chaplain, Community Coach

Grayson HS
Dustin Mattox – Chaplain, Community Coach

South Gwinnett HS
Michael Woelfl – Chaplain

Director of Operations
Jon Stinchcomb

NG3 stands for Next Generation: Character  Community  Change.  Their goal is to develop men and women of character to create a positive change in our communities.  NG3 works directly with student athletes in high schools, teaching and practicing the importance of strong core values like responsibility, humility, integrity and honesty. The staff of NG3 works along side the coaches employed by the school, providing a constant presence of reliability and service.
