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Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | Early Warning Signs of Dementia

The most common reason people call my office seeking in-home care is that the caller is responsible for a loved one suffering from dementia and that loved one can’t be left alone. One of the most important things we can ask when dealing with loved ones as they age is “what are the early warning signs of dementia?”

2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures for Georgia

New Alzheimer’s Association Report Reveals Sharp Increases in Alzheimer’s Prevalence, Deaths and Costs of Care | Alzheimer’s deaths in Georgia increased by 201 percent from 2000 – 2015. 

Atlanta– For the second consecutive year, total payments to care for individuals living with Alzheimer’s or other dementias will surpass a quarter of a trillion dollars ($277 billion), which includes an increase of nearly $20 billion from last year, according to data reported in the Alzheimer’s Association 2018 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report released today.  

Alzheimer’s: A Disease Without Boundaries

Alzheimer’s: A Disease Without Boundaries

I received an email the other day that said June 21st is “do whatever you love day” to help fight Alzheimer’s disease. This is an opportunity to team up with the Alzheimer’s Association to help end Alzheimer’s.

The perks of pet therapy at Dogwood Forest of Grayson

The perks of pet therapy at Dogwood Forest of Grayson

Pets have the remarkable ability to make us happy just watching them be themselves. They provide unconditional love and can make a crummy day seem just a little less crummy. So it’s no surprise that like many other alternative therapies, – such as music, for instance – pet therapy is being embraced in today’s medical community growing in popularity in recent years.

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap

By Aysha Cooper

I was inspired to write about intergenerational programs after learning from a dear friend that lives in Denver about a program she implemented at her center called, Granny Does Graffiti.