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Marlene Ratledge Buchanen

Happy 100th Birthday, Mama

My mother was born on June 27, 1918. Her name was Mary Grace Evans Ratledge, better known as Grace, Mama or Grandmama. At Mama’s funeral, several people mentioned that they had never known her name until that day. Well, she was just Mama.

My Daddy and Mama

Happy Birthday, Daddy

My father, James E. Ratledge would be 100 years old this November 21.  After he died, Mama said he never left.  He was still sitting in his recliner, waiting for her.  I believe it.  I think Mama is sitting on my right shoulder and Daddy is on left one.  Both are whispering in my ear. 

Owner Barbara Rosselle, General Manager Greg Merkle, Kitchen Manager Kurt Wilhelm, FOH Manager Scott Simmons with our mellow crew.

40th Birthday Bash!

To our loyal customers,

Are you ready for a 40th Birthday Bash?  Then you need to plan on stopping by the Mellow Mushroom in Snellville for Way Back Wednesday August 20th.