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Body Types

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The truth about flatter abs

I have been writing this column for over two years now and I have come to the realization that the topics that I want to cover are endless. There are just too many to choose from. The solution to this, I have decided, is to incorporate a Q&A into my column. I would like to know what is on your mind and what you would like to know more about that will help you achieve your fitness goals. 

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The pitfalls of fitness trends

The various screens in our lives shout about fitness trends, promising major results for minimal effort. As a fitness professional with 25 years in the industry, I have heard it all and while I don’t find it surprising, these claims REALLY bother me. The claim that any singular workout will fundamentally alter your body is bogus.