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Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | Celebrating the Holiday’s

Happy Thanksgiving!
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

Yes, it’s that time of year again when we eagerly anticipate joyful holiday greetings.  But what will the holidays be like for our loved ones who have dreaded this holiday season? 

Tim Golden

Seniors and Technology

How can I keep up with my loved ones? Many of my clients face this dilemma. They grew up without personal computers or even, believe it or not, cell phones. I thought smart phones were the phones with buttons to push instead of a dial to turn. Nevertheless, if you want to keep up with the younger generation you have to learn to stay in touch using technology. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

Kasi Tiller

The Demands of Caring From A Distance

During my childhood, I can’t remember a time when our house was not filled with at least one person, who required hands on personal care on a regular basis.  Most times, there were two, sometimes three people in our home.  

Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

How can a family caregiver take care of themselves?

This is a real issue. Statistics estimate that between 40% and 70% of family caregivers show signs of depression. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that family caregivers take care of themselves.

Alzheimer’s: A Disease Without Boundaries

Alzheimer’s: A Disease Without Boundaries

I received an email the other day that said June 21st is “do whatever you love day” to help fight Alzheimer’s disease. This is an opportunity to team up with the Alzheimer’s Association to help end Alzheimer’s.

Kasi Tiller CEO, Legacy Home Care Services, Inc

Caring for the Caregiver: Why You Need A Break!

Who Are Family Caregivers?

Do you assist an elderly neighbor, an aging parent or have a child with special needs? Caregiving can mean a wide range of services and obligations that require your time and energy without financial compensation.