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Tim Golden, BrightStar Care

Ask the Senior Care Expert | What can I do if a person close to me desperately needs help but refuses to acknowledge that they do – Part II

Last month I tackled the topic of guardianships and conservatorships. As a quick review, if someone is incapacitated either due to disease or injury an “interested person” can petition the court to make those financial decisions (conservatorship) or non-financial decisions (guardian-ship) on behalf of the incapacitated individual. Sounds complicated, doesn’t it?

Kasi Tiller CEO, Legacy Home Care Services, Inc

Caring for the Caregiver: Why You Need A Break!

Who Are Family Caregivers?

Do you assist an elderly neighbor, an aging parent or have a child with special needs? Caregiving can mean a wide range of services and obligations that require your time and energy without financial compensation.