Carole Townsend

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | Let’s go streaking!

No, no. I don’t mean that literally. Not now, anyway. I mean “Let’s go streaking,” as in that  1970s craze that, in hindsight, was one of the very few memorable things about that decade – well that, polyester and platform shoes. Come to think of it, I’m not sure streaking wasn’t the crowning glory of the 70s. The fad blazed through college campuses back then, with students brazenly and unabashedly ditching their clothes and running from Point A to Point B, just because they could.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | A kinder, gentler generation

I’m a parent. In fact, my husband and I are the parents of four children, ranging in age from 26 – 32. I think that means that all of our children are millennials, though opinions and definitions of what, exactly, a “millennial” is differ greatly. I don’t suppose it matters all that much, anyway. While several generations have been given names (starting with the Greatest Generation), those designations aren’t what I hope to address today.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | A swimsuit? In February?

How many of you out there have ever received those skimpy clothing catalogs in your mailboxes during this, the coldest month of the year? You know the ones I mean; emaciated but somehow lovely models grace the pages, lounging and posing in swimsuits that look like Band-aids, filmy, flowy, see-through dresses, and skin-tight shorty-shorts.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | When did it happen?

When I was a kid, I concerned myself with kid things. I had to take a minute to think back to what those are, but I did like dolls of all types: baby dolls, Barbies, you name it. I was a school junkie, so I concerned myself with all things “school.” And of course, family. When you’re a kid, the goings-on in your immediate family pretty much defines your world. If I ever thought about anything other than these matters, it was the exception to the rule, believe me.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | Age is a double-edged sword

I recently celebrated a birthday, something I’ve done more than 50 times in my lifetime. I’ve lived more than half a century, more than half my life (unless I turn out to be one of those folks who reaches triple digits). That’s a sobering thought.

Carole Townsend

(Not So) Common Sense | The sweet spot in life

We’re right smack in the middle of a time of life that, if I’m to be honest, I couldn’t have even imagined about 20 years ago. Our children are grown now, all young adults. Sounds silly, I know. Of course, God willing, our children will grow to be adults – first young, then not-so-young. It is the way life’s supposed to work.