Carole Townsend

Carole Townsend

If they’ll do it with you, they’ll do it to you

My parents, it turns out, were not nearly as stupid as I thought they were when I was a teenager. I suspect that a lot of us learned that lesson when we were growing up, and we learned it right about the same time that we moved out on our own, started paying our own bills and such.

Carole Townsend

Thankfulness is a relative thing

(Not So) Common Sense: Thankfulness is a relative thing

Ah, the glorious week is finally here. I do believe that Thanksgiving week may be my favorite of all fifty-two weeks packed into a year. If not, it runs a close second, and that’s only to Christmas week.

Carole Townsend

There are three things about “listicles” I just don’t like

Our poor attention spans. They have dwindled down to nearly nothing, a phenomenon I suspect is attributable to social media. “Listicles,” like hashtags, tweets and tags, are the offspring of social media and its entertaining cousin, the blog. Yes, I am aware of what that union implies, but if the shoe fits…