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Grace Dougherty

Teens today keeping connected

Teens these days come from different backgrounds and have different morals and things important to them but what exactly do teens value most now? For some, it could be friends or family, but an obvious answer for most is the phone.

Alex Le

Fact: Millennials are glued to their phones

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! 

How many of you have heard the phrase “Millennials can’t communicate”? Whether you are a Baby-Boomer cringing when you see two young people out for dinner but they’re glued to their phones or you’re a Millennial reading this as you’re scrolling through Facebook; there is something to the concept that Millennials have issues communicating; to a degree.  

The pokéculture is changing the world

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! By now most of you have either heard of Pokémon Go, are playing it, or this is the first time you’re hearing about it.