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community involvement

Governor Deal’s GA-PRI or GA’s Prisoner Reentry Initiative

Governor Deal’s GA-PRI or GA’s Prisoner Reentry Initiative

Tabernacle International Church, a large and inviting place of worship near the corner of Simonton Road and Grayson Highway, was host to The Department of Community Supervision’s (DCS) first GA-PRI Stakeholders Meeting on February 28th. The meeting convened state leaders, resource providers, volunteers, and service professionals to introduce Governor Deal’s new initiative, GA-PRI or GA’s Prisoner Reentry Initiative.

Chick-fil-A Leader Academy™ – Brookwood High School’s Servant Students

Chick-fil-A Leader Academy™ is a national high school leadership program focused on impact through action. Brookwood High School (BHS) partnered with local Chick-fil-a store located at 1559 Scenic Hwy North in Snellville and their franchise operator, Tom Balsamides, to develop their leadership program to cultivate servant students at BHS dubbed ‘BOSS,’ Brookwood Organization of Servant Students. 

Congratulations new Eagle Scout Chad Baker

Jerry Chadwick “Chad” Baker, III, son of Jerry and Charity Baker of Covington Georgia, has earned the rank of Eagle Scout on September 24, 2016.  Chad, a senior at Walnut Grove High School, worked with the Monastery of the Visitation in Snellville Georgia for his Eagle Award project. 

The power of community

The power of community

Along with more than 124,000 accounts served, more than 6,900 miles of lines energized, and a 99.9% electric service reliability in 2015, Walton EMC (Electric Membership Corporation) provides a unique energy of service to the communities it’s been serving since 1936. 

(L) Mitch Hogan, South Gwinnett High School golf team (M) Grayson Britt, George Walton Academy’s golf team (R) Drew Hutchinson, Brookwood High School's golf team captain is ready for the links.

Leading the way to the green

Community involvement is crucial to every sport. The adage, see a need, fill a need, comes into play often when community leaders have a few moments of precious free time. For Don Britt of Summit Chase Country Club and Tim Gaines, Park Administrator at SGAA, the needs they see are nearly endless, but they work hard to provide avenues to fill those gaps.