
Alex Le

What do millennials do in their spare time?

Top of the mornin’ Gwinnett Citizen readers! 

Millennials are a generation that embrace technology, but the truth is millennials enjoy a vast array of activities that do not include scrolling through their phones for hours. 

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

Maintaining weight-loss

You have reached your weight-loss goals! Good job! Now comes the process of figuring out how to maintain all that hard work!

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The truth about sustainability

These days, when you hear the word “sustainability” probably the environment first comes to mind. I want to talk about sustainability where your fitness, health and well being are concerned.

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The Best Workout? Diversify!

I am constantly being asked about which class I think is best between Spinning, Pilates, Zumba or weights? I usually answer: “I love them all!”

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

Fitness during and after breast cancer

The American Cancer Society states that more than two million women living in the US today have been treated for breast cancer. Luckily, we live at a time where improved treatment options often provide the chance for extended life.

Kelly Farris, ACSM CPT

The truth about flatter abs

I have been writing this column for over two years now and I have come to the realization that the topics that I want to cover are endless. There are just too many to choose from. The solution to this, I have decided, is to incorporate a Q&A into my column. I would like to know what is on your mind and what you would like to know more about that will help you achieve your fitness goals.