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Facebook Marketplace

Scam Alert: Shoppers Beware of Facebook Marketplace Cons

Facebook Marketplace can be a great place to find deals on items for sale in your neighborhood. But like any online classified site, watch out for warning signs before handing over money. BBB is seeing reports of Facebook Marketplace scams in BBB Scam Tracker, especially for big-ticket items like used cars and RVs.

Mandy Snell

Kudzu media

Hey everyone… Glad you’re here! Since my last article, I had a incident happen.

My precious yellow lab, Sophie, decided to take a long walk. It was July 4th around 1:00, we got her back home on Saturday afternoon. The reason for me telling you this is: 1) I was a mess for 30 + hours, 2) she has never done this before in her 12 years, and 3) Facebook is awesome when it comes to something like this. I had 60 to 70 friends all commenting and giving me encouragement. 20 or so posting her pictures on their page and sharing it and 5 friends actually got in their cars and drove around. WOW! As if I wasn’t crying enough. I want to thank all of you again, you know who you are.