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This drawing shows the intrepid “bucket brigade” which bravely extinguished the Lilburn fire of November 15, 1920 as it raged through the Old Town area, almost wiping out the entire town. Commemoration of this event is scheduled for this Sunday, rain or shine, in downtown Lilburn. (Drawing courtesy of City of Lilburn)

Lilburn commemorates centennial of 1920 Fire

A devastating fire that raged in the early morning hours of Nov. 15, 1920, almost wiping out the downtown area of Lilburn, will be commemorated on the 100th Anniversary of when the community’s heroic volunteer “bucket brigade” saved the town.

No outdoor fires, smoking at county parks due to fire danger

No outdoor fires, smoking at county parks due to fire danger

A temporary ban on smoking, outdoor grill use and campfires in all Gwinnett County Parks and Recreation facilities is in effect starting Friday, Nov. 18 and will remain in place as long as the risk of wildfire due to prolonged drought conditions remains high.

Charlotte Nash, Chairman Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners

Gwinnett fire shares safety messages

One of the best parts of my job is getting to recognize county employees for doing terrific work. Last month, I had the pleasure of presenting our Department of Fire and Emergency Services with the American Red Cross Good Neighbor Award, which is given to organizations that build strong, safe, and vibrant neighborhoods and promote volunteerism.