
Chat with Duluth City Council

Duluth – Great things are happening in Duluth and for some there may be some questions or concerns. Now is the chance to meet with your Councilmembers and discuss any pressing topics. 

Summer Stage Concert Series features Yacht Rock Revue

A night of dancing, food and entertainment

Duluth – The band known for blurring the lines between a tribute and original act will bring down the house with their smooth sounds on June 11th. Yacht Rock Revue will have you dancing the night away! 

Ethan is a champion hockey player. Austin enjoys attending his games.

Ethan and Austin- best buddies

Ethan Erlandson, a graduating senior from Mill Creek High School was asked to write and essay on his life for his college application. It made such an impact on his teachers and others who read it, that it was shared over and over again with friends and family of special needs children and adults.