From the heart

Katie Hart Smith

The Power of Love

The emotion of love is one of the most common themes in music, literature, and motion pictures. And, depending upon which version of the Bible you read, there are over 300 references to love. Whether one is searching for it, celebrating finding it, or grieving over the loss of it, there is power in love.

Katie Hart Smith

Right? Click.

 “Please, don’t tell me what I did wrong. Tell me what I did right.” Has that thought crossed your mind or have you uttered those words before? Like a photographer who uses their camera lens to focus on an object that is either close-up or far away, throughout life, we tend to do the same. So, what do you prefer to focus on? Those things that are right v. wrong, the details of the past and present v. the blurry future? The obscure?

Katie Hart Smith

To Reality, or Not To Reality?

To reality, or not to reality: that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously scripted reality TV…or not.

Katie Hart Smith

A Day of Rest

I struggle to unfold the new reclining chaise lounge – a zero gravity chair. It’s Georgia Bulldog red with a black metal frame. After reading the instruction manual, I am thrilled to know it comes with its own pillow and can lock into any position I desire. Excited to have a day of rest and relaxation on a seventy-degree, sunny afternoon, I revel in the opportunity to enjoy quiet time on the deck, complete with unlimited reclining choices.

Katie Hart Smith

Cut From the Same Cloth

I tasked myself to reupholster my kitchen chairs a few months ago. I gathered my sewing supplies, hammer, tacks, and a staple gun. With the ideal fabric selected and no set design ironed out, I let my creative mind wander. A vision unfolded.

Katie Hart Smith

Only if…

Last week, my husband, Jeff, and I attended the funeral of a dear friend who died unexpectedly. During her Celebration of Life ceremony and the montage of photographs that illustrated a life well-lived, service to others, treasured friendships, and family memories, it reminded me of a recent conversation with a colleague who prefaced their life’s ambitions with, “only if.”

Katie Hart Smith

Finding Joy

Don’t you hate it when you misplace your car keys? Reading glasses? Wallet? Or, have lost the joy in your life? Joy, not easily found in your right coat pocket, on top of your head, or on a store sales counter, can be found where you least expect it. It’s in the tiniest grin from a baby; it’s the spark of your loved one’s eyes in their sideways glance; it’s in your work; it’s down in your heart.

Katie Hart Smith

Inexplicable Love

Love is inexplicable. How do you put into words how you feel about the love of your life? How do you describe how a person can affect your heart? How do you measure and equate the depth and breadth of such feelings? How do we teach our children about love?

Whether to Weather Life’s Storms

As I glanced outside the office window that overlooks the garden in the backyard, I watched the tropical storm rains pelt the panes of glass while the winds ripped through the trees, tearing leaves from the branches. The trees swayed and swirled in circles, clock-wise then counter-clock-wise, as the winds quickly changed direction. Overhead, loud thuds and thumps made me step backward; realizing branches were breaking and striking the roof.