Graystone Church

Parental Insomnia (Part 2) Give it To God

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6

The first step, or building block, in overcoming our parental fears is to give them to God.  We need to trust God with our kids.  I know that sounds simple.  I know it seems like the classic Sunday School answer.  

Parental Insomnia | Overcoming the Fears That Keep Parents Awake at Night Part 1

Being a parent is one of the greatest joys in life, and at the same time, it is one of the greatest responsibilities.  I will never forget the day that we brought our first-born home from the hospital.  He was three days old.  We were so excited that God had blessed us with a son.  He was the answer to our prayers.

Jonathan Howes

Peaks and Valleys

There are seasons in our Christian lives when we go through dry times. There are times when we are depressed, discouraged, disappointed or even have doubts in our faith in God. The Christian life is full of peaks and valleys, highs and lows.

Jonathan Howe

Go On A Short-term Mission Trip

Have you ever been on a short-term mission trip? If not, you should go. Seriously. Put it on your bucket list. Going to another country on a short-term mission trip is a life-changing experience. Actually, it will change your life, the person who goes.

By Jonathan Howes, Lead Pastor, Graystone Church

Humble beginnings

In October of 2004 Graystone Church began in a rented warehouse space on Grayson Industrial Parkway.  On that first Sunday, approximately 160 people were in attendance, and Grayson High School Head Football Coach Mickey Conn shared his testimony. 

Jonathan Howes, Lead Pastor, Graystone Church

Does God open and close doors?

I hear people say all the time, “God opened a door for me.” Or, “God closed a door for us.”  Does God really open and close doors to show us His will for our lives?

By Jonathan Howes, Lead Pastor, Graystone Church

A meeting with God

As a small boy growing up in South Mississippi, I spent the majority of my summer vacations shirtless and shoeless.  We only had three channels of the TV and video games had yet to be invented (I’m old.), so I was pretty much outside from dawn to dusk.