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Gwinnett County

Gwinnett Citizen News

Gwinnett’s four-year graduation rate comes in at nearly 81%; rises to more than 84% when looking at five-year rate

On September 18, the Georgia Department of Education announced that Georgia’s graduation rate rose slightly to an all-time high in 2019, reaching 82%. Gwinnett County Public Schools experienced a slight decrease in its four-year graduation rate this year, moving from 81.7% to 80.9% and continued improvement in its five-year graduation rate as it reached 84.27%.

Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 465 receiving a proclamation from Mayor Barbara Bender at the City of Snellville on August 12, 2019. L-R: Robert Nelson, Adjutant; James Gordon, Department Adjutant; Don Bullard, Trustee; Lou Zayas, Commander, and Mayor Barbara Bender. Photo by Brian Arrington.--Please include this in caption since he is the public Information officer in Snellville.

Military Order of the Purple Heart is on the offense in Gwinnett

Cities across Gwinnett and the greater Atlanta area are proclaiming themselves “Purple Heart Cities” to show solidarity for those wounded while serving in the US Armed Forces. Among those in the city of Snellville, where Mayor Barbara Bender issued a proclamation to designate the city and its roadways.

Gwinnett Citizen News

Rezoning opposition turns into community movement for a better Gwinnett and beyond

Homeowners were stunned, outraged, dismayed by the proposed re-zoning request along the 800 block of Ozora Road; to allow a waste transfer station in a heavy residential area near Tribble Mill Park and two schools. But in coming together to show their opposition, they’ve also seen another side of their community that gives them hope, not only for this area but for all of Gwinnett.

Dave Emanuel | Cut To The Chase

Proposed Waste Transfer Station- Noise, Odors Degraded Livability

If you think locating a waste transfer station in a residential area is a bad idea, you might want to look at a few facts.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Oh, here we go. This guy is going to try to convince me that it’s not a bad idea to have a noisy, stinking waste transfer station in my neighborhood. Read on. You just might be in for a surprise.